Monday, December 3, 2018

May 17, 2018

I think it is important to give some background on my births. My first son was born via cesarean in 2011. At my 36 week appointment a new midwife said I was measuring small. 3 times in one week I was sent to the hospital to be induced only to be sent home by the on call midwife saying I was fine. I should have asked for a second opinion, but I put blind trust in my providers. After inserting the foley my baby had a heart decel and off for the OR we went. My second son I was in hard labor for 30 hours. After pushing for hours he didn't budge. He was positioned ROT. I ultimately had a second c-section. I had an early miscarriage and got pregnant right away afterwards. My third son, Luke, was born sleeping due to PPROM and cord prolapse at 19.5 weeks.

7 months after we lost Luke we decided to try for another baby. This may sound a little woo woo, but I very strongly felt there was a soul that was supposed to be in our family. I got pregnant our first month trying. I knew I wanted to try for a VBA2C. I opted to go with a provider who was highly recommended in the ICAN of Phoenix Facebook Group. I also drove from Mesa to downtown Phoenix every week to get Makena injections. At my 32 week appointment my OB said he was phasing into retirement and no longer taking his own call. He said I would get whatever OB was on call when I went into labor. None of the other doctors in his practice were supportive of VBAC with one previous c-section let alone 2. I asked my doula for suggestions. She suggested another provider. I met with him at 33 weeks. He said, "You're a great candidate. You are totally going to push this baby out." I also found out he took his own call so regardless of when I went into labor he would be there. He was so patient and practiced evidence based care.

I controlled for all of the things I could control for to help myself avoid a third c-section. I went to yoga almost every day, I walked outside at the park for one hour every single day, I drank red raspberry leaf tea, I ate dates, and I saw a Webster Certified Chiropractor. I hired my doula specifically because of her experience and calm presence. I felt like I needed the knowledge that she has. If I was going to have another c-section I wanted it to be because it was medically necessary.

May 16, 2018

I randomly decided that my baby wasn't going to be born if I still had things to do. I mopped my floor with towels on my hands and knees to encourage a well positioned baby. I wrote thank you cards for my baby shower. My husband came home around 11 PM and was like, "Are you ok? What are you doing?" I told him I needed to get stuff done. This was 10 days before my due date so I wasn't thinking I was going to be having a baby anytime soon. I went into labor at 41 weeks with my second child so I assumed I would go late again.

At midnight I woke up to go to the bathroom and felt a gush and knew my water had broken. I looked in the toilet and it was cloudy which is a good sign. I laid down and felt another gush. I stood up and another. I put on a pair of underwear with a pad and laid on a towel. I decided I should try and sleep since I had only been asleep for about 30 minutes. I was anticipating a long labor again. I didn't wake Billy up because I knew he would be more helpful if he was well rested. I called my doula and let her know my water had broken and I would call her when contractions started. I also sent a message to my friend who had recently had a HBA3C. I tried to sleep, but was way too excited. I laid down and randomly rotated which side I was laying on.

Billy's alarm went off at 4:30. I said, "my water broke." He said, "OK. So you're in labor right now?" I said, "Well I guess. I haven't had a contraction yet." I told him our car needed gas and to go get me Gatorade. He said he would go and asked, "So when is labor starting? Today?" I told him probably some point today. He left for the QT two blocks away. As soon as he left a contraction hit. Then another one. I quickly downloaded a contraction timer app. I figured active labor was when I had minute long contractions every five minutes. Another contraction hit so I hopped in the shower.

I had contractions every 2 minutes, but they were only lasting 30 seconds. In the shower I visibly saw my baby move down and my pregnancy bump got very low. I got out of the shower and emailed the contraction times to my doula. The contractions were felt in my hips and not my back which was worlds different than my CBAC labor.

Billy came home from QT. He was gone for 10 minutes. The look on his face was like WTF is happening? I just left and you weren't in labor. I told him to call our doula. She heard me moaning through a contraction and said get to the hospital NOW. He called my OB and told him what hospital I wanted to meet him at. I had to put on sandals and was so pissed off by having to lift my legs to put them on.

On the drive to the hospital I was so thirsty. I chugged a gigantic water. My contractions were every 1.5 minutes and lasted 30 seconds. I read Mindful Birthing and the author suggested on focusing on the time between contractions and not on the pain of the contraction. HOME GIRL WAS RIGHT! The time between contractions is euphoric. It is magical and absolutely wonderful. It's like this heightened reality between worlds. During every contraction I would yell FFFUUUUUCCCCKKKKK. This is humorous because I am not a fowl language person. I think maybe because 1. Pain and 2. the u sound is very opening. I told Billy I can't do this I need an epidural.

We arrived at the hospital at 6:50. The triage nurse asked my name and date of birth. A contraction hit. Billy squeezed my hips and I leaned over. The nurse was like, "Based on how you are acting I'm going to check you." Then the best words I have ever heard were uttered:"You are at 9cm. This is the part where we run." I said, "OH MY GOD NO WAY! THIS IS THE BEST NEWS EVER!" I was GBS + so they were trying to get the hep lock on me so I could have antibiotics. My doula came in. My OB came running in putting his delivery gear on. He told the nurses to stop trying to get an IV in me and lets just have this baby. He checked me and said I was at 10cm and it was time to push. I pushed a few times and my daughter had a few significant heart decels. My doctor explained that this is normal for precipitous labors but he felt it would be best to use the vacuum. We tried three times and it kept popping off.  He said, "your tissue hasn't had time to stretch so I am going to give you an episiotomy and I want you to push has hard as you can."  I pushed and out she came. 7:18 am.

Then I felt all the feelings. All of them. Two c-sections. One miscarriage. Losing our Luke. I pushed a baby out of my vagina and she is alive and healthy. I had an unmedicated vaginal birth after two c-sections.

I did it. I will forever be a different woman. Birth matters.

May 17, 2018

I think it is important to give some background on my births. My first son was born via cesarean in 2011. At my 36 week appointment a new mi...